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- Cara Ballinger
- Rachel Barnard, Ph.D.
- Robert W. Bell, Ph.D.
- Richard Bellon, Ph.D.
- Michele Beltran
- Robyn Bluhm, Ph.D.
- Marisa Brandt, Ph.D.
- Samantha M. F. Cass, Ph.D.
- Kendra Spence Cheruvelil, Ph.D.
- Alyse Collins, M.A.
- Sharon DeGraw, Ph.D.
- Sarah (Holden) Dickinson
- James J. Dudziak, Ph.D.
- Richard A. Edwards, Ph.D.
- Megan K. Halpern, Ph.D.
- Katie Hinko, Ph.D.
- Rob LaDuca, Ph.D.
- Doug Luckie, Ph.D.
- Shahnaz Masani, Ph.D.
- Kirtimaan Mohan, Ph.D.
- Georgina M. Montgomery, Ph.D.
- Hanni Nichols, M.Sc.
- Richard Parks, J.D., Ph.D.
- Robert T. Pennock, Ph.D.
- Isaac Record, Ph.D.
- Hasina Saraha, Ph.D.
- Vashti Sawtelle, Ph.D.
- Maxine Sewell Davis
- stef m. shuster, Ph.D.
- Anne Slavin, M.A.
- Jim Smith, Ph.D.
- Ryan Sweeder, Ph.D.
- Gerald R. Urquhart, Ph.D.
- Mark Waddell, Ph.D.
- Naoko Wake, Ph.D.
- Blythe White, M.A.
- Aklilu Zeleke, Ph.D.
- J.P. Lawrence, Ph.D.
- Krysta Foster
- Jennifer Ranjan
- Niki J. Rudolph, Ph.D.
- Sarah Evans-Cain
- Fernando Rosado
- Ellie Louson, Ph.D.
- Kevin Elliott, Ph.D.
- Jacki Dotts
- Kristen Vroom, Ph.D.
- Clausell Mathis, Ph.D.
- Nilüfer Akalin, Ph.D.
- Jennifer Doherty, Ph.D.
- Andrea D Kelley, Ph.D.
- Amanda Cho
- Dominique B. Green, Sr.
- Peter Thompson, Ph.D.
- Daniel Thiel, Ph.D.
- Jessi Randolph
- Stephanie Brooks
- Regan Levy
- Stephanie Calloway
- Michele H. Jackson, Ph.D.
- Thomas Miller
- Nicole Becker, Ph.D.
- Christina Thelen (Szilvassy)
- Charles Fessler, Ph.D.
- Jaafar Hachem, Ph.D.
- Carmen Ruiz-Sánchez
- M. Paola León, LMSW, Ph.D.
- Roxanne Fernandes
- Elisa Obregón
- Audra Balcer, Ph.D.
- Jane Seaver, M.Sc.
- Leah Johnson
- Taylor McNeill, Ph.D
- Kirk Hendershott-Kraetzer, Ph.D.
- Erica T. Holt, Ph.D.
- Jon Wlasiuk, Ph.D.
- Yuanfang Dai, Ph.D.
- Tom McCollum, Ph.D.
- John Byrd
- Elyse Hansen
- Mission and Vision
- LBC 2032 Strategic Plan
- LBC Inclusion Statement
- College Leadership
- Faculty Excellence Advocate
- Awards and Distinctions
- History of LBC
- College Committees
- Work With Us
- Advising Appointments
- Advisors
- Advising Syllabus
- Advising Syllabus: Incoming Briggsies
- Advising Syllabus: First-Year Briggsies, Semester One
- Advising Syllabus: First-Year Briggsies, Semester Two
- Advising Syllabus: Second-Year Briggsies
- Advising
- Majors and Minors
- How to Declare Major or Minor
- Science and Society Course Substitution Form
- Override Permission Form for LB courses
- Academic Policies
- Spring 2025 Incoming Students
- LBC Academic Grievance Policy and Form
- Session 0: Exploring Lyman Briggs
- Session 1: Introduction to the Student Success and Advising Team
- Session 2: College Credit
- Session 3: University and Lyman Briggs Requirements
- Session 4: Placement Exams
- Session 5: Homework for Academic Advising
- Session 6: Academic Advising Appointment
- Session 7: Connecting with Community
- Session 8: Career Connections
- Peer Support Coordinators
- Advising Syllabus: Third-Year Briggsies
- Advising Syllabus: Fourth-Year Briggsies
- Future Students
The Briggs Experience
- The Briggs Experience
- In the Classroom
- In the Field
- In the Hall
- Throughout Campus
- Throughout the World
- Throughout Your Life
- Scholarships at a Glance
- Research Opportunities
- Scholarship Details
- Briggs Biology
- Briggs Chemistry
- Briggs Physics
- Science and Society
- Briggs Mathematics
- Undergraduate Research Support
- LB 492: The Senior Capstone
- Tutoring
- Undergraduate Learning Assistants (ULAs)
- LBC Research Showcase
- Academic Resources
- Holmes Hall
- Collaborative Experiential Learning Laboratory
- Local Student Organizations
- Health and Wellness Resources
- Bioethics Minor
- Student Emergency Fund
- Current Research Projects with LBC Faculty
- LBC Research Poster Printing
- Careers
- Alumni
- Alumni Spotlights
- Briggs Alumni Tours
- Briggs Career Chats
- Mock Interview Volunteers
- Newsletters
- Alumni Spotlight: Shannon Wilson
- Alumni Spotlight: Sarah Navarro
- Alumni Spotlight: Jeffrey VanWingen
- Alumni Come Together to Help Students
- Alumni Spotlight: Farhan Bhatti
- Alumni Spotlight: Zafar Shamoon
- Alumni Spotlight: Michael VanRooyen
- Alumni Spotlight: Douglas Crosby
- Alumni Spotlight: Russ Lampen
- Alumni Spotlight: Del DeHart
- Alumni Spotlight: Heather Sowinski
- Giving
- Events
- News
- Summer 2019 S3 2018-19 Funded Projects
- Summer 2019 Pennock UDP
- Summer 2019 Jerry Urquhart
- Spring 2019 Commencement Recap
- Spring 2019 Q-A Malcolm Davis
- Spring 2019 Commencement Comilla
- Spring 2019 Research Symposium
- Summer 2019 Campus Archaeology Program
- Spring 2019 GTA Ent Awards
- Spring 2019 Waddell Special Advisor
- Spring 2019 Shannon Wilson
- Summer 2019 Petrey
- Spring 2019 Record
- fall-2019-hayat
- College-Statement-Recent-Events
- fall-19-give-green-day
- schwartz
- kay
- Give-Green-Day-Recap
- white-teaching-award
- spring-20-davis-eaa
- sp-2020-inc-statement-coronovirus
- sp2020-pennock-book
- covid-19
- coronavirus-faq-link
- summer-2020-course-offerings
- summer-2020-ula
- briggs-kindness-project
- 2020-workman
- summer-2020-dean-response-racial-violence
- summer-2020-inc-letter
- summer-2020-briggs-connect
- mid-sure-2020
- meet-faculty-1
- dean-message-fall-2020
- change-to-all-remote
- cheruvelil-NSF
- wiley-PPE
- welcome-fall-2020
- summer-bridge-programs
- kellie-walker
- degraw-hps-major-minor-coordinator
- nov-2020-leadership-transition
- 2020-lbc-gives-thanks
- women-in-stem-2020
- finals-care-package
- dec-2020-cheruvelil-interim-dean
- fall-20-BOT-award-winners
- 2021-cieg-award
- sp-21-MLK-award-winners
- sp-21-all-univ-award-winners-lbc
- Summer 2021 Courses
- sp-21-research-showcase
- 2021-showcase-awards
- Spring 2021 Commencement
- sp-21-alumni-front-line
- lbc-remembers-mary-sheridan
- orr-thomas-scholarship
- briggsies-present-capitol-hill
- rudolph-named-assistant-dean-ssa
- su-2021-dean-message-alumni
- fall-21-welcome
- homecoming-2021
- fall-2021-moth-science-ed-grant
- Provost recommends Kendra Spence Cheruvelil to be the next dean of LBC
- Students Earn MLK Jr. Advancing Inclusion through Research Award
- 2022-picture-scientist
- Spring 2022 Commencement
- 2022-sawtelle
- Open Summer 2022 Courses
- 2022-shuster-teacher-scholar
- 2022-edwards-maa-award
- 2022-edwards-maa-award
- Dean's statement on Roe vs. Wade
- spring-22-bowcutt-busch-goldwater
- 2022-Kevin-Elliott-PFAS-report
- 2022 Briggs Fall Welcome
- Message to the MSU Board of Trustees and members of the MSU community
- Message to the MSU Board of Trustees and members of the MSU community
- Message to the Faculty Senate
- Tamika D. Payne receives MSU Alumni Service Award
- Farhan Bhatti receives MSU Young Alumni Award
- Dean Cheruvelil's Message to the LBC community
- Memo to the Board of Trustees Regarding MSU Interim Presidential Search
- 15 Fall-graduating Briggsies earn 4.0 GPA
- Fall 2022 Commencement
- Dean's Message in light of Feb. 13 events
- Dean's Message February 15
- February 16 message in response to Feb. 13 events
- 2023-Lupina-Scholarship
- 2023-Lupina-Scholarship
- Briggsie Amber Proudfoot nominated for prestigious scholarship
- Briggsie Krystal Jang earns Spartan Volunteer Service Award
- 2023-Briggsie-earns-Goldwater-Scholarship
- 2023-uuraf-participants
- 2023-Briggsie-student-athletes
- 2023-briggs-faculty-att-awards
- 2023-lbc-research-symposium
- 2023-spring-board-of-trustees-award-winners
- 2023-lbc-research-symposium-winners
- 2023-Farhan-Bhatti-alum-commencement-speaker
- 2023-LBC-senior-class-speakers-share-lessons-learned
- 2023-spring-commencement
- 2023-charenko-teacher-scholar
- 2023-hps-now-s-and-s
- 2023-shuster-nsf-career-grant
- 2023-edwards-national-award
- 23-foster-associate-director-career-services-lbc
- 2023-Fall-Begins
- 2023-homecoming-nikita-nel
- 2023-marshall-scholarship-nominees
- rhodes-nominees
- Women in STEM
- 2023-fall-nascar-briggs-undergraduate-researchers
- 2023-fall-patrol-film-screening
- 2023-fall-rudolph-award
- 2023-fall-harlock-marshall-finalist
- Zeleke COIL Faculty Fellow
- 2023-fall-commencement
- 2023-fall-fex-banner-carrier
- 2023-climbs-up-grant
- 2024-summer-LBC-education-abroad-away
- 2024-Briggsies-Present-at-Diversity-Research-Showcase
- 2024-noyes-discipline-based-educational-research
- 2024-01-31-ten-award-winners-university-diversity-research-showcase
- 2024-LBC-Research-Showcase
- 2024-lbc-showcase-winners
- 2024-spring-mathis-grant
- 2024-student-view-grace-krajewski
- 2024-trust-science-pennock
- 2024-udall-nomination-meghana-karumuri
- 2024-critical-language-scholarships
- 2024-leon
- 2024-april-commencement-loreta-prenaj-speaker
- 2024-april-commencement-alum-abbigail-tumpey
- 2024-april-msu-board-of-trustees-award-winners
- 2024 Spring Commencement
- 2023-24 Teacher-Scholar Awards
- 2024-Sweeder-chem-education-videos-grant
- 2024-isaac-record-att-award
- 2024-jack-breslin-distinguished-staff-recipient-sarah-evans-cain
- 2024-uuraf
- 2024-nupur-chahal-heal-sexual-health-conference
- 2024-alumni-distinguished-scholars-LBC
- 2024-butler-homecoming-court
- 2024-dickinson-case-rising-star-award
- 2024-harlock-commitment
- 2024-LBC-alum-wins-miss-universe-japan-crown
- 2024-environmental-justice-lakes-diaz-et-al
- 2024-Marshall-Scholarship-Nominees-2-Briggsies
- 2024-Marshall-Scholarship-Nominees-2-Briggsies
- 2024-sawtelle-aps-fellow
- 2024-shuster-neh-fellowship
- 2024-shuster-ccf-award
- 2024-elliott-handling-the-hype
- 2024-speaker-series-brixie
- 2024-mathis-faculty-voice
- Kevin Elliott earns international research award
- 2024 Fall Commencement
- 2024-board-of-trustees-awards-fall
- 2025-02-07-speaker-series-talk
- 2025-01-24-mlk-award-winner
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