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Ready to Join?

Lyman Briggs College is a limited enrollment residential college. We welcome about 650 incoming first-year students each fall. Students are first accepted into MSU, then have the ability to select to study within Lyman Briggs College.

To join Lyman Briggs, complete the following steps:

  1. Select Lyman Briggs as your major on your Michigan State University applicationYour application will be reviewed and processed by the MSU Office of Admissions. Apply by November 1 for maximum scholarship consideration.

  2. If you are admitted to MSU and have Lyman Briggs listed as your major then you can secure your spot in the Lyman Briggs class by submitting your Advanced Enrollment Deposit as soon as you wish to commit to MSU and LBC.

    1. Because our spots are secured (by deposit) on a first-come, first-served basis, our class of 650 is typically filled before the national deposit deadline.

    2. Once we hit 650 deposited students with "Lyman Briggs" as their major, we move to a waiting pool.

    3. If you have made your deposit after those 650 students have, then you will be placed in our waiting pool.

    4. As some of those 650 spots open up throughout the spring and summer, our recruitment committee will pull students out of the waiting pool.

Note: We do not have a secondary application process. Any student that has been admitted to MSU qualifies to study within our college, depending on capacity and availability and timing of your Advanced Enrollment Deposit.

Important note: Make sure you keep your major as Lyman Briggs until your first week of classes at MSU. After that point, you can select a specific LBC major but during the admissions and new student orientation process you must keep your major as Lyman Briggs.