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Kent Workman

Fund Donor: Kent Workman

LBC Retiree

Kent Workman Endowed Fund for Diversity and Inclusion at Lyman Briggs College

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Fund Description

  • Kent Workman Endowed Fund for Diversity and Inclusion at Lyman Briggs College

    About the Fund

    Kent D. Workman retired after 32 years of service in residence life, student affairs and academic advising at MSU. For approximately 25 of those years, he worked within Lyman Briggs College. He served as advisor to over a dozen Briggs and MSU student organizations focusing on service to communities here and abroad, racial justice, and multicultural education. In 2018, he was awarded the MSU Excellence in Diversity Lifetime Achievement Award sponsored by the Office for Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives. Through this fund, Workman wants to empower Briggs students and help those who are making an effort to educate themselves, educate others, challenge the system and do programs and activities to address ongoing issues to make forward progress. Workman's passion for diversity and inclusion extends to his own community service though Habitat for Humanity, teaching adult education classes on racism and white privilege at his church and tutoring local refugees for high school equivalency tests through the Greater Institute of Lansing (GIL).

We all need to continue the dedicated work of so many who have made Briggs the great place it is.

Kent Workman

A Conversation with the Donor

What was your goal in establishing this fund?
To encourage and support LBC student efforts in studying and exploring issues of inclusion and diversity

What impacted you the most from your time in Lyman Briggs College?
The students: their dedication, interests and support of each other.

In what ways are you using your time at LBC to contribute to society?
In reference to this fund, I learned a great deal from Briggs students about diversity over the years which has greatly enriched my life and which I have used in all parts of my life.

What do you think will be a major research breakthrough in the next decade?
Solving the current pandemic.

What is your favorite memory of campus or Holmes Hall?
Informal conversation with students, faculty and fellow staff

Who is someone who inspires you?

What was something you never expected as an MSU retiree?
Former students staying in touch with me.

Why is giving back to LBC important to you?
We all need to continue the dedicate work of so many who have made Briggs the great place it is.

What is your favorite book?
Right now, A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches of Martin Luther King, Jr.

What is something you like to do in your free time?
Walk in nature.

What is the coolest gadget that you love to use?

What is your ideal Saturday afternoon?
Relaxing at the beach

What is your favorite food?

What is something that is on your bucket list?
Write a book

What is your favorite song?
"Stairway to Heaven"

What do you think is the world’s worst invention?
The scale

What do you think is the world’s best invention?
Printing press

What is the most surprising talent you have?
Public speaking, because in the past I had a speech impediment

Where was the coolest place you have traveled?
Thailand and Israel

Someplace you would like to travel once COVID is in the past?

 Kent and students on a volunteer trip Kent Workman and students in New Orleans on a volunteer trip

Kent Workman with a Sparty plume Kent Workman in academic regalia by the sign for Holmes Hall