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Clausell Mathis, Ph.D.

Clausell  Mathis
  • Assistant Professor
  • LB Course Subject Area: Physics
  • Department of Teacher Education-Science Education
  • pronouns: he/him
  • Holmes Hall
  • 919 E. Shaw Lane, Room E-188
  • East Lansing, MI 48825


  • LB 273: Physics I
  • LB 274: Physics II
  • LB 492: Senior Capstone


Dr. Clausell Mathis is an assistant professor at Michigan State University where he has a joint appointment with Lyman Briggs College and the Department of Teacher Education. At Lyman Briggs College he teaches physics and the senior capstone course. His research interests include examining how physics instructors can optimally incorporate culture- based equitable approaches in the classroom where teachers leverage students cultural resources and build connections to physics phenomena. He earned his Ph.D at Florida State University, and did his postdoc at the University of Washington, Seattle, working with the Physics Education Group. Before earning his Ph.D., Dr. Mathis was a high school physics teacher, community college physics professor, and did research in the area of cellular and molecular biophysics.


  • Postdoctoral Research Associate, Physics Education Group, University of Washington, Seattle
  • Ph.D., Florida State University, Curriculum & Instruction - Science Education


Clausell's research focuses on understanding how physics teachers can effectively incorporate culture-based pedagogical approaches to instruction. His research consists of three projects: (1) development of physics curricula, where teachers use students cultural resources as a tool for helping them learn physics ideas; (2) examining physics teacher identity towards equity, where we attempt to understand how teachers conceptions play a role in their teaching towards equity; and (3) student sense-making, where we investigate the process of how students reason through physics ideas when they are vexed around an idea towards achieving understanding, and how the use of student cultural resources can impact that process.


  • Mathis, C., Daane, A. R., Rodriguez, B., Hernandez, J., & Huynh, T. (2023). "How instructors can view knowledge to implement culturally relevant pedagogy." Physical Review Physics Education Research, 19(1), 010105.
  • Mathis, C., & Southerland, S. (2022). "Our Shifting Understandings of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy in Physics". The Physics Teacher, 60(4), 260-265.
  • Mathis, C., Robertson, A. (2021). "An Examination of the Role of Physics Culture on In-Service Physics Teachers Relationship between Identity and Equity." 2021 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings, 264-269. doi:10.1119/
  • Ibourk, A., Mathis, C., Wagner, L. (2022). "Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Explanations of Properties of Sound Using a Web-based Inquiry Science Environment (WISE)". Research in Science and Technological Education. doi:10.1080/02635143.2022.2066647doi:10.1119/
  • Ibourk, A., Hughes, R., & Mathis, C. (2022). "'It is what it is': Using Storied‐Identity and intersectionality lenses to understand the trajectory of a young Black woman's science and math identities." Journal of Research in Science Teaching.


Mathis Research Group website