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Jennifer Doherty, Ph.D.

Jennifer  Doherty
  • Assistant Professor
  • Director of the Scholarship of Undergraduate Teaching and Learning Program (SUTL)
  • LB Course Subject Area: Biology
  • Department of Physiology
  • pronouns: she/her
  • Holmes Hall, W-28
  • 919 E. Shaw Lane
  • East Lansing, MI 48825
  • (517) 884-5071


  • LB 145: Biology II: Cellular and Molecular Biology
  • LB 348: Biology Research Internship


I use a mechanistic approach to teaching biology and my exams ask students to synthesize information and solve complex problems. I use alternative grading strategies, such as allowing exam retakes without penalty, in all my courses to improve equity and inclusion and align my teaching with my beliefs about how people learn: we learn from our mistakes! I am a physiology education researcher who investigates how students develop principle-based mechanistic reasoning. My research seeks to coherently link students’ developing reasoning, data from assessments, and instructional tools.


  • Ph.D. in Biology, University of Pennsylvania with Certificate of College Teaching and Learning
  • B.A. cum laude in Biology, with Distinction, University of Pennsylvania


MSU Teacher-Scholar Award, 2024


  • Cole, E.J., Doherty, J.H. 2024. Student Perceptions of the Usefulness of Core Concepts When Reasoning in Physiology. Advances in Physiology Education.
  • Doherty, J.H., Scott, E.E., Cerchiara, J.A., Jescovitch, L.N., Mcfarland, J., Haudek, K.C., & Wenderoth, M.P. 2023. What a difference in pressure makes: A framework describing undergraduate students’ reasoning about bulk flow down pressure gradients. CBE Life Sciences Eduction, 22(2), ar23.
  • Doherty, J.H., Cerchiara, J.A., & Wenderoth, M.P. 2023. Undergraduate students' neurophysiological reasoning: What we learn from the attractive distractors students select. Advances in Physiology Education. 47(2), 222–236.
  • Doherty, J.H., Cerchiara, J.A., Scott, E.E., Jescovitch, L.N., Mcfarland, J., Haudek, K.C., & Wenderoth, M.P. 2023. Oaks to arteries: The Physiology Core Concept of "flow down gradients" supports transfer of student reasoning. Advances in Physiology Education. 47(2), 282–295.
  • Scott, E.E., Cerchiara, J.A., Mcfarland, J., Wenderoth, M.P., Doherty, J.H. 2023. How students reason about matter flows and accumulations in complex biological phenomena: an emerging learning progression for mass balance. Journal of Research in Science Teaching.
  • Scott, E.E., Wenderoth, M.P., & Doherty, J.H. 2020. Design-based research: A methodology to extend and enrich Biology Education Research. CBE Life Sciences Education. 19(3), es11, 1–12. DOI: 10.1187/cbe.19-11-0245
  • Cerchiara, J.A., Kim, K.J., Meir, E., Wenderoth, M.P., & Doherty, J.H. 2019. A new assessment to monitor student performance in introductory neurophysiology: Electrochemical Gradients Assessment Device (EGAD). Advances in Physiology Education. 43(2), 211–220. DOI: 10.1152/advan.00209.2018