Rachel Barnard, Ph.D.

- Associate Teaching Professor
- LB Course Subject Area: Chemistry
- Director, Undergradute Learning Assistants Program
- Holmes Hall, W-25C
- 919 E. Shaw Lane
- East Lansing, MI 48825
- (517) 353-4879
- rbarnard@msu.edu
- LB 171 Chemistry 1
- LB 171L Chemistry 1 Laboratory
- LB 172 Chemistry 2
- LB 172L Chemistry 2 Laboratory
Dr. Barnard joined the Briggs faculty in the fall of 2017, after several years of teaching at "a little school in Ann Arbor." She is an analytical materials chemist who does research in chemical education. The focus of her work at Briggs is with the general chemistry lab and lecture course series, and with the related learning assistant (LA) mentoring activities.
In addition to her classroom teaching, Dr. Barnard has experience with professional development in higher education. She has lead workshops for undergrads, graduate students, and faculty on the first week of teaching, implementing backwards design, mitigating stereotype threat, designing effective group work, and engaging inclusive teaching strategies.
- Ph.D., Chemistry, University of Michigan
- M.S., Chemistry, University of Michigan
- B.S., Chemistry, Cedarville University
- Boothe, J. R., Barnard, R. A., Peterson, L. J. & Coppola, B. P. “The Relationship Between Subject Matter Knowledge and Teaching Effectiveness of Undergraduate Chemistry Peer Facilitators” Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 2018, 19, 276-304.
- Barnard, R. A., Boothe, J. R., Salvatore, J., Emerson, K., Boothe, K., Sandler, C., & Coppola, B. P. "Instructional Liaison as Support for Peer-Lead Study Groups" Journal of College Science Teaching, 2018, 14, 21-29.
- Barnard, R. A., Dutta, A., Schnobrich, J. K., Morrison, C. N., Ahn, S., Matzger, A. J. “Two- Dimensional Crystals from Reduced Symmetry Analogues of Trimesic Acid” Chemistry – A European Journal, 2015, 21, 5954–5961.
- Barnard, R. A. & Matzger, A. J. “Functional Group Effects on the Enthalpy of Adsorption for Self-Assembly at the Solution/Graphite Interface” Langmuir, 2014, 30(25), 7388-7394.
- Kirstalyn, K.B., Watt, S., Spanninga, S. A., Barnard, R. A., Nguyen, K., Chen, Z. “Investigation of sub-monolayer, monolayer, and multilayer self-assembled semifluorinated alkylsilane films” J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2011, 353, 322-330.