Rob LaDuca, Ph.D.

- Professor
- LB Course Subject Area: Chemistry
- Department of Chemistry
- Holmes Hall, E-194
- 919 E. Shaw Lane
- East Lansing, MI 48825
- LB 171: General Chemistry 1 Lab
- LB 171L: General Chemistry 1 Lab
- LB 172: General Chemistry 2
- LB 492: Senior Capstone
Dr. LaDuca is on leave for the 2022-23 academic year.
Dr. Rob LaDuca teaches general chemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, and scientific communication seminars. He and his undergraduate-only research group investigate synthetic metal-organic hybrid crystals as detectors for environmental contaminants, and as catalysts for the safe degradation of toxic dyestuffs.
- 1995, Postdoctoral Fellow, Syracuse University
- Ph.D. 1995 Cornell University
- M.S. 1991 Cornell University
- B.S. 1989 Yale University
- 2016 Guest Editor for Undergraduate Research Special Issue, Polyhedron
- 2014 Michigan State University College of Natural Sciences Undergraduate Teaching Award
- 2012 American Chemical Society Division of Inorganic Chemistry Undergraduate Research Preceptor Award. One prize awarded nationally per year.
- 2011 State of Michigan Distinguished Professor of the Year, awarded by President’s Council of the State Universities of Michigan.
- 2010 Mid-Michigan Alumni Club of MSU Quality in Undergraduate Teaching Award. “In recognition of outstanding undergraduate teaching”; top teaching prize at Michigan State University
- National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation: Acquisition of a Duo Source Single Crystal X-ray Diffractometer for the Center for X-ray Crystallographic Research at Michigan State University, $277,765, August 2019–July 2020.
- National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) site at Michigan State University: Cross-disciplinary Training in Sustainable Chemistry and Chemical Processes, $280,000, August 2019–July 2022.
- National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) site at Michigan State University: Cross-disciplinary Training in Sustainable Chemistry and Chemical Processes, $270,000, August 2014–July 2017
- Celeste R. Czarnecki, R. L. LaDuca, “Structural diversity and dye degradation capability of copper 1,2-phenylenediacetate coordination polymers with flexible dipyridylamide ligands”, Polyhedron, 2019, 161, 161–168.
- Zaria I. Contejean, R. L. LaDuca, “Nitroaromatic-detecting zinc and cadmium coordination polymers with methyl-substituted aliphatic dicarboxylate and 4,4′-dipyridylamine ligands and diverse topologies”, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2018, 266, 44–53.
- Jack J. Przybyla, R. L. LaDuca, “Control of Chirality and Catenation in Cobalt and Cadmium Camphorate Coordination Complexes”, CrystEngComm, 2018, 20, 280–293. FEATURED FRONT COVER ARTICLE.
- Jamelah Z. Travis, Brianna L. Martinez, R. L. LaDuca, “Structurally Diverse Divalent Metal Adamantanedicarboxylate Coordination Polymers with Hydrogen-bonding Capable Dipyridyl Pillaring Ligands”, Zeitschrift fur Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2018, 644, 33–42. FEATURED FRONT COVER ARTICLE.
- Charmaine L. White, R. L. LaDuca, “Nickel Adipate Coordination Polymers with Isomeric Dipyridylamide Ligands: Topological Disorder and Divergent Magnetic Properties”, CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 6789–6797. FEATURED FRONT COVER ARTICLE.
- Megan J. Wudkewych, R. L. LaDuca, “Metal-Dependent Ribbon and Self-Penetrated Topologies in Nitroaromatic-sensing Zinc and Cadmium Coordination Polymers with Terephthalate and Dipyridylamide Ligands”, Polyhedron, 2016, 114, 72–79. INVITED PAPER for UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH SPECIAL ISSUE.
- Margaret E. Robinson, Jessica E. Mizzi, R. J. Staples, R. L. LaDuca, “Structural Chemistry and Properties of Metal Oxalates Containing a Long-Spanning Dipyridyl Ligand: Chain, Interpenetrated Diamondoid, Threaded-Loop Layer, and Self-Penetrated Topologies”, Crystal Growth & Design, 2015, 15, 2260–2271.
- Lucas E. Weingartz, Joseph H. Nettleman, Gregory A. Farnum, Richard J. Staples, R. L. LaDuca, “Divalent Metal Diphenate Dipyridylamine Coordination Polymers: Supramolecular Polytypism and a Rare 5-connected Topology Based on Arc-like Hexanuclear Clusters”, Polyhedron, 2015, 89, 168-181. FEATURED COVER ARTICLE
- Jacob W. Uebler, Amy L. Pochodylo, R. J. Staples, R. L. LaDuca, “Control of Self-Penetration and Dimensionality in Luminescent Cadmium Succinate Coordination Polymers via Isomeric Dipyridylamide Ligands”, Crystal Growth & Design, 2013, 13, 2220–2232.
- Curtis Y. Wang, Zachary M. Wilseck, R. L. LaDuca, “1D + 1D → 1D Polyrotaxane, 2D + 2D → 3D Interpenetrated, and 3D Self-Penetrated Divalent Metal Terephthalate Bis(pyridylformyl)piperazine Coordination Polymers”, Inorganic Chemistry, 2011, 50, 8997–9003.