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Taylor McNeill, Ph.D

Taylor R. McNeill
  • Assistant Professor
  • LB Course Subject Area: Mathematics
  • MSU Program in Mathematics Education (PrIME)
  • pronouns: they/them


Taylor McNeill is a an assistant professor with a joint appointment with Lyman Briggs College and PRiME. At Lyman Briggs College they teach precalculus and calculus courses. Their research lies in postsecondary mathematics education, where they study how mathematics faculty make sense of race, gender, and sexuality in the classroom and department. Through both their research and teaching, Taylor strives to build humanizing and identity-affirming mathematics environments where our social and emotional experiences are recognized as inseparable from our mathematical engagement.


  • Ph.D., Learning, Teaching, & Diversity, Vanderbilt University
  • Ph.D., Mathematics, Rice University
  • B.A., Mathematics, Astronomy, Smith College


Taylor's research explores the implicit workings of whiteness and cisheteropatriarchy in mathematics, which can perpetuate racial and gendered exclusion while simultaneously maintaining the appearance that mathematics is a socially-neutral discipline. Focusing on postsecondary mathematics faculty as needed change agents, they examine how mathematics shapes faculty's critical consciousness of inequities in instruction and departmental practices. Through this work they seek to reconceptualize mathematics and mathematics department practices in ways that enable minoritized students and faculty to experience mathematics as liberatory.


  • McNeill, R. T., & Jefferson, A. (2024). “Prove Yourself”: Exploring Epistemological Values in Mathematics Department Support and Oppression of Black Women Faculty. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 55(1), 31-50.
  • McNeill, R. T., Leyva, L. A., & Marshall, B. (2022). “They’re just students. There’s no clear distinction”: A critical discourse analysis of color-evasive, gender-neutral faculty discourses in undergraduate calculus instruction. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 31(4-5), 630-672.
  • Leyva, L. A., McNeill, R. T., & Duran, A. (2022). A queer of color challenge to neutrality in undergraduate STEM pedagogy as a white, cisheteropatriarchal space. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 28(2), 79-94.
  • Leyva, L. A., McNeill, R. T., Balmer, B. R., Marshall, B. L., King, V. E., & Alley, Z. D. (2022). Black queer students’ counter-stories of invisibility in undergraduate STEM as a white, cisheteropatriarchal space. American Educational Research Journal, 59(5), 863-904.
  • Leyva, L. A., McNeill, R. T., Marshall, B. L., & Guzmán, O. A. (2021). “It seems like they purposefully try to make as many kids drop”: An analysis of logics and mechanisms of racial-gendered inequality in introductory mathematics instruction. The Journal of Higher Education, 92(5), 784-814.