Interested in majoring in science or math? Visit MSU's Lyman Briggs College where you get supportive community & amazing STEM opportunities!
Regular visit programs include information about Lyman Briggs College and tours of LBC, Holmes Hall, and the Holmes residence hall.
Visit registration links will be posted no later than one month prior to each event.
For visit options outside of those listed above, please contact We have select days and times available for students and families to come during the workweek for an individual tour hosted by a Briggs Ambassador and a meeting with Jacki Dotts, the LBC recruitment coordinator. We encourage students to visit during our already scheduled Friday visits for the full experience. We are unable to tour the residential portion of Holmes Hall outside of Friday Visit Programs.
Are you hoping to find out what Briggs is like firsthand? Reach out to our Briggs Ambassadors! These current students will be able to give you an insider’s perspective about what Lyman Briggs has to offer. Please contact and indicate that you are interested in connecting with a Briggs Ambassador.
The Office of Admissions offers walking tours of campus.
Call the Student Success & Advising Office at (517) 353-6480 for more information or email recruiter Jacki Dotts at