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Faculty Excellence Advocate

Kevin Elliott is the Lyman Briggs College Faculty Excellence Advocate (FEA).

This position is funded through the University’s ADAPP-ADVANCE initiative (Advancing Diversity through the Alignment of Policy and Practices) in the Provost's Office. The initiative is designed “to help improve MSU’s ability to recruit, retain and advance a diverse faculty work force, as well as create a positive and supportive work climate for all."

The duties of the FEA include, but are not limited to:

  • helping create a positive work environment for our faculty, staff, and advisors
  • collaborating with the LBC Committee for Inclusivity (LBC Inc.) to advance college efforts related to inclusive excellence
  • promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the college through supporting hiring, annual review, and RPT processes
  • providing faculty with support (e.g., listening, brainstorming solutions, connecting faculty to others and campus resources)

Biographical Information

Elliott is a professor in Lyman Briggs College, the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife and the Department of Philosophy.

Kevin ElliottContact

Kevin Elliott, Ph.D.
Faculty Excellence Advocate
Pronouns: he/him
Office Location: Holmes Hall, E-25A
Phone number: (517) 432-7374