Robert W. Bell, Ph.D.

- Associate Professor
- LB Course Subject Area: Mathematics
- Department of Mathematics
- Pronouns: he/him
- Holmes Hall, W-26C
- 919 E. Shaw Lane
- East Lansing, MI 48825
- (517) 353-4857 (voicemail only)
- LB 118 Calculus I
- LB 118 Calculus I, Special Section for Life Science Majors
- LB 119 Calculus II
- LB 220 Calculus III
- LB 492 Senior Seminar: Modern Mathematical Discoveries
- LB 492 Senior Seminar: The Mathematics of Politics
- LB 492 Senior Seminar: Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, and Machine Learning
I'm a mathematician interested in undergraduate education & research. I regularly teach the standard LBC mathematics courses taken by first and second year students. I enjoy sharing my curiosity and passion for problem solving with my students, and I've enjoyed the opportunity to collaborate with students on research projects. My research program has two primary components: (1) geometry group theory, which concerns symmetry, shapes, and large-scale phenomenon such as looking at a tiling from far away as opposed to looking at individual tiles; and (2) combinatorial games, especially the game of cops and robbers on graphs where two players move pawns assigned to the vertices of a discrete graph and one player attempts to capture the other player's pawns.EDUCATION
- Ph.D. in Mathematics from The Ohio State University
- M.S. in Mathematics from Syracuse University
- A.B. in Mathematics from Boston College
- National Science Foundation, (Bell, Zeleke, Gerhardt) REU Site: REU in Discrete and Applied Mathematics, NSF Division of Mathematical Sciences [2019–2022] $261,739.
- National Security Agency, (Bell, Zeleke, Xiao, Wang, Schenker, Gerhardt), Summer Undergraduate Research Institute in Experimental Mathematics (SURIEM) [2019–2020] $94,917
- National Security Agency, (Bell, Zeleke, Xiao, Wang, Schenker, Gerhardt), Summer Undergraduate Research Institute in Experimental Mathematics (SURIEM) [2018-2019] $101,554
- National Security Agency, (Bell, Zeleke, Xiao, Wang, Schenker, Gerhardt), Summer Undergraduate Research Institute in Experimental Mathematics (SURIEM) [2016–2017] $85,109
- National Science Foundation, (Bell, Zeleke, Gerhardt), REU in Discrete and Applied Mathematics [2016–2019] $287,199
- National Security Agency, (Zeleke, Bell, Gerhardt, Xiao, Wang), Summer Undergraduate Research Institute in Experimental Mathematics (SURIEM) [2015–2016] $84,194
- National Security Agency, (Zeleke, Bell, Gerhardt), Summer Undergraduate Research Institute in Experimental Mathematics (SURIEM) [2013–2015] $186,854
- National Science Foundation, Division of Mathematical Sciences, (Bell, Zeleke), REU Site in Applied & Discrete Mathematics [2011–2013] $275,406
- National Security Agency, (Bell, Zeleke), Summer Undergraduate Research Institute in Experimental Mathematics [2011–2013] $88,578
- National Security Agency, (Zeleke, Bell, Dougherty), Summer Undergraduate Research Institute in Experimental Mathematics (SURIEM) [2010–2011] $87,199
- Robert W. Bell and Rita Gitik. Quasi-positivity and recognition of products of conjugacy classes in free groups. Submitted. Available at arXiv:1808.03291.
- Taylor Ball, Robert W. Bell, Jonathan Guzman, Madeleine Hanson-Colvin, and Nikolas Schonsheck. The cop number of generalized 1 Petersen graphs. Discrete Mathematics. Online: available November 2016. Print: Volume 340, Issue 6, June 2017, pp. 1381–1388.
- Robert W. Bell and Matt Clay. “Right-angled Artin groups,” book chapter in Office Hours with a Geometric Group Theorist, M. Clay and D. Margalit, editors, Princeton University Press, 2017.
- Bell, Robert W. & Zeleke, Aklilu. Starting and Sustaining an Undergraduate Research Program: The SURIEM Experience at Michigan State University, PRIMUS, DOI: 10.1080/10511970.2016.1240730. Published online: 10 October 2016.
- Robert W. Bell. Combinatorial Methods for Detecting Surface Subgroups in Right-Angled Artin Groups. ISRN Algebra, vol. 2011, Article ID 102029, 6 pages, 2011. doi:10.5402/2011/102029.
- Robert W. Bell and Dan Margalit. Injections of Artin groups. Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, 82 (2007), no. 4, 725-751.
- Robert W. Bell and Dan Margalit. Braid groups and the co-Hopfian property. Journal of Algebra, 303 (2006), no. 1, 275-294.
- Robert W. Bell. Three dimensional FC Artin groups are CAT(0). Geometriae Dedicata, 113 (2005), 21-53.