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Michele H. Jackson, Ph.D.

Michele H. Jackson
  • Professor
  • Science and Society
  • Faculty Fellow, Center for Teaching and Learning Innovation
  • Main Library, Room W206
  • 366 West Circle Drive
  • East Lansing, MI 48824


I have always been fascinated by how we adapt our communication to new technologies and also by how developers envision their technologies might change communication. Some of my current projects trace the technical development of computational communication and the possibilities of modern machine learning for teaching and learning. Another project is to develop a method for machine-assisted content analysis of arguments, creating a dataset that can be used to train computational models that analyze arguments. Another area of my research focuses on STEM education, particularly in technology and engineering. My current projects include asking how higher education can better support the learning needs of neurodiverse students in these fields.


  • Ph.D., University of Minnesota. Speech Communication (emphasis communication and technology).
  • M.A., University of Minnesota. Speech Communication (emphasis on women's rhetoric).
  • B.A., cum laude, Macalester College. Speech Communication.


  • Jackson, M.H. (2023). Visions of Automated Group Members and Teammates. Automation by Design: Politics, Culture, and Landscape in an Age of Machines that Learn. Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota.
  • Jackson, M.H. (2022). Argument mining. Argumentation and Advocacy. DOI: 10.1080/10511431.2022.2044104
  • Jackson, M.H. & Gray, M. (2022). Threshold Concepts in Group Research: Building Inclusive Instructional Resources to Engage New Scholars. Instructional Workshop. INGroup Annual Conference, Hamburg Germany.
  • Jackson, M.H. (2022). Teaching Threshold Concepts Outside the Classroom. Instructional Workshop. Lilly Conference on Innovative Strategies to Advance Students Learning, Traverse City, MI.
  • Jackson, M.H. (2022). When Transformation Takes Time: How Can We Make Learning Threshold Concepts More Inclusive? Instructional Workshop. Lilly Conference on College Teaching, Oxford, OH.


Curriculum vitae