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Advising Appointments

Spring 2025 Drop-In Advising

Beginning the second week of classes, online drop-in advising sessions will be held via Zoom every Wednesday of the semester 1:30-4:00 p.m. unless otherwise advertised. 

Connect to the waiting room on Zoom during those times, and you will be connected with an advisor.

Zoom Meeting # 983 2450 9064

What's the fastest way to get a question answered by advisors?

Email only This central address will route messages to the appropriate advisor.

Spring 2025 First Week Drop-Ins

Drop-in advising will be available from January 13-17 from 9-11 a.m. and 1:30-4:00 p.m. Connect at those times via Zoom (link takes you to a waiting room)


To schedule an academic advising appointment, visit 

  1. Log in using your NetID and password. 
  2. Select Academic Progress.
  3. Select the Advising/Tutoring Appointments tile. 
  4. Select Schedule an Appointment.
  5. Under Category, use the pull-down menu to select Advising.
  6. Under Advising/Tutoring Unit, use the pull-down menu to select Lyman Briggs College Advising.
  7. Appointment Reason: Hit the magnifying glass, which will display a menu.  
    1.  Choose Peer Academic Advising or Lyman Briggs Academic Advising 
  8. Additional Information: Leave a note on what you want to discuss
  9. Appointment Type: Zoom Appointment 
  10. Hit the Select Advisor button 
  11. In a new menu you will see advisors who are available.  
  12. Use the pull down menu under the respective advisor to see the times they have open.  
  13. Select an available time. 
  14. Hit the Select Time button. 
  15. You will be taken back out to the main appointment page. Review the details. 
  16. Select Book It! to book your appointment – you and your advisor will receive a calendar invite for your MSU Outlook email calendar 

At this time, appointments will be released seven days out. 

Cancellations: If you need to cancel your appointment, please do so 24 hours in advance. This will allow another student to take your appointment time.

Video demo of the appointment-setting process

Academic Advisors outside of Briggs

If you want to meet with a coordinate major advisor in another college, you can find the advisor's contact information for:

What to expect when meeting with an Advisor

Academic advising is a partnership between you and your academic advisor. It is an ongoing conversation that goes beyond course selection. It encompasses major and career selection, personal pursuits and academic goals. Our goal is to assist you as you explore the LBC curriculum, experience college life, and prepare for life after college.

Your advisor expects that you:

  • Come prepared: have questions written down, keep documents together, and review your objectives
  • Keep your contact information updated
  • Are courteous; cancel your appointment at least 24 hours in advance if you can’t make it, so another student can have the time slot
  • Make an appointment at least once a year
  • Are open to suggestions that are based on your interests, strengths and goals

You can expect your advisor to:

  • Listen to you and hear your goals
  • Understand the LBC curriculum and university policies
  • Refer you to experts in the field or resources across campus for careers, counseling, education abroad, tutoring, extracurricular activities, etc.
  • Assist you with evaluating and re-evaluating your academic and graduation goals
  • Coach you to be competitive in your chosen field
  • Maintain confidentiality (read FERPA for students)