Session 7: Connecting with Community
One of the best parts of Lyman Briggs is the supportive community we foster in the college. Below, we'll outline a few of the groups of people who are here to help you adjust to life at MSU and in Briggs, and to support you all the way through to when you graduate and become alumni.
- Peer Support Coordinators are among the first Briggsies you'll encounter. These 3rd- and 4th- year students support incoming students as they enroll for classes, provide advising and career assistance, and facilitate workshops for ongoing student success. These leaders also support the Peer Support Mentors.
- Undergraduate Learning Assistants are core members of our teaching team at Lyman Briggs College. They assist faculty in providing an enriching and supported educational environment in lectures, recitations, and labs.
How can I connect with other Briggs students?
The Briggs Student Advisory Council invites all first- and second-year Briggsies to join the Briggs Student Hub, a casual hub for student connection within D2L. It has video introductions to some of our faculty members, insights from other Briggsies, and discussion boards for you to contribute or ask questions. It will also include information about student organizations and ways you can get more involved in the community.
Join the Briggs Student Hub D2L community here: Sign on with your MSU NetID and password, then select “self-enroll.” Then you’ll be able to log into D2L, look around and join the conversation!
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