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Jerry Urquhart named LBC associate dean for research & faculty affairs

May 19, 2019

Jerry UrquhartDr. Jerry Urquhart was recently named associate dean for research and faculty affairs at Lyman Briggs College, effective May 20, 2019.

Urquhart is an associate professor of biology at Lyman Briggs College with a joint appointment in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. He has been a faculty member at Lyman Briggs College for 20 years, in both the non-tenure and tenure systems.

As a faculty member, Urquhart helped to establish INQUIRE, a cohort-based program for incoming first-year LBC students to improve their quantitative reasoning skills. His research on tropical biology has explored synergistic effects of globalization and climate change. He pioneered Briggs’ involvement in Education Abroad, leading several trips to Nicaragua, Panama, Ecuador and Cuba, and most recently served as the LBC director of education abroad and away. Urquhart served on University Council, Faculty Senate, and the university Steering Committee. 

Lyman Briggs College Dean, Michele H. Jackson, writes, “As a long-time member of the Briggs community, Dr. Urquhart brings a wealth of experience and understanding to the role of associate dean. I have every confidence that his unique insights and strong connections across MSU will contribute to faculty success and to the overall success of the college moving forward.”

The LBC associate dean is a member of the dean’s executive team, providing senior level leadership and stewardship for the college. The role entails recruiting and supporting a diverse, engaged, and productive faculty throughout their academic careers. The associate dean oversees the college’s diverse research portfolio, which includes individual research, research on teaching and learning, and interdisciplinary research programs like S3 and SUTL.

Urquhart writes, “I am excited to take on a larger leadership role in Lyman Briggs College. Research and faculty affairs are critical elements for achieving the mission of the college. I look forward to working with faculty to help them succeed in research, teaching, and other elements of their careers. I started my time in Lyman Briggs 32 years ago as a zoology student, never imagining I would someday help lead the college. From that perspective, it is ultimately rewarding to serve as the new associate dean for research and faculty affairs.”