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Leadership Transition

November 13, 2020

On November 11, 2020, Dr. Michele H. Jackson resigned as dean of Lyman Briggs College and will be returning to the faculty. We are grateful to Dr. Jackson for her dedication and service to the college the last two years.  

Kendra Spence CheruvelilDr. Kendra Spence Cheruvelil has been named Responsible Administrator for the college. Dr. Cheruvelil is a biology professor in Lyman Briggs and the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife and serves as the Special Advisor for Faculty Affairs & Belonging in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Dr. Cheruvelil has been a member of the Lyman Briggs faculty since 2006 and served as Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Affairs from 2017–2019. Advancing LBC student, faculty, and staff success is her first priority. 

In the coming weeks, MSU Provost Teresa K. Woodruff will work with the Briggs Advisory Council to identify an interim dean for recommendation to the MSU Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees must provide approval of an interim dean, and next meets December 18.  

In times of uncertainty, it is important to reaffirm who we are. Lyman Briggs College is a residential, undergraduate-focused learning community that pursues inclusive teaching, research, and engagement with science in its diverse human, social, and global contexts.  

Our faculty, advisors, and staff remain committed to this mission of supporting our students in their development as scientists.