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Meet the Faculty

September 3, 2020

Your faculty in Briggs are here to support you as you begin your Spartan adventure. To that end, we’d like to introduce you to a few of the faces you might meet this fall.

The following ‘Meet the Briggs Faculty’ videos are brief interviews with some of the first-year Briggs professors, conducted by our Undergraduate Learning Assistants (ULAs), who are students just like you. We hope that within them you will find wisdom in the reflections, a commitment to your success, and connection with the folks that will be teaching and supporting you throughout your time in Briggs.

Together, we will.

Posted 9/3/20


Dr. Marisa Brandt

History, Philosophy & Sociology of Science

Interviewed by Madison Sewick


Dr. Robert LaDuca


Interviewed by Arian Pakray


Dr. Mark Waddell

History, Philosophy & Sociology of Science

Interviewed by Michael Reiterman


Dr. Isaac Record

History, Philosophy & Sociology of Science

Interviewed by Maria Berry



Posted 8/21/20


Dr. Ellie Louson

History, Philosophy & Sociology of Science

Interviewed by Kadie Bernstein



Dr. Ryan Sweeder


Interviewed by Sushmitha Balraj


Posted 8/11/2020


Dr. Abe Edwards


Interviewed by Caleb Rispler


Dr. Maxine Davis


Interviewed by Emily Simonis


Dr. Robert Bell


Interviewed by Bella Ihrig



Dr. Richard Parks

History, Philosophy & Sociology of Science

Interviewed by Natalie Barstys