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Resources for Briggsies moving back to campus

February 17, 2023

Dear LBC students, 

We continue to process in our own ways and on our own timelines, but we do so knowing that we are surrounded by others doing the same. Thank you, dear LBC community, for surrounding yourselves and each other with love and care. 

We know that coming back to Holmes Hall will be difficult for some students, and we are anxious to re-connect with you. Therefore, I want to share our plans to help ease this transition and support the Briggs community in the coming days.   

1. LBC Open House 

Sunday, February 19, 7-9 p.m. | Holmes Hall West Lounge 

A drop-in space for Briggsies, Holmes residents, caregivers, faculty, advisors, and staff and family members 

  • Soft music 

  • Arts & crafts supplies 

  • Light refreshments 

  • Canine comfort 

  • Private mental health support will be available from Mollie Urquhart, a licensed clinical psychologist (and wife of Dr. Urquhart)

2. Slow Flow Yoga 

Sunday, February 19, 7:30-8:30 p.m. | Holmes Hall East Lounge  

  • Led by Liz Ivkovich, our Director of Engagement (and dance instructor) 

  • All levels 

  • Soft music 

  • Some yoga mats provided (bring your own if you have one) 


3. Student drop-in space

 The LBC Student Success & Advising Lounge (E-35) is a space for students and will be stocked with coloring supplies, puzzles, and snacks, and will have calming music playing, as well as a wall for students to leave messages for their fellow Spartans.  


therapy dogs4. Therapy Dogs

Monday, February 20, 3-4:30 and 5:30-7 p.m. | Holmes Hall West Lounge   

provided by Paws with a Cause
A collaboration between the three residential colleges


As a reminder, there are resources available for your mental health support - please see the CAPS Crisis page for updates.  

Sending my Spartan love and spirit, 


Kendra Spence Cheruvelil
Dean, Lyman Briggs College
Professor, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
& Lyman Briggs College
Michigan State University