One Day. One Goal. One Big Thank You
December 20, 2019 - Sarah Dickinson
On Tuesday, December 3, 2019 Spartans across the world came together to impact the lives of current and future Spartans. This year on Give Green Day, Lyman Briggs College raised support for the LBC Book Scholarship. This scholarship is offered to first-year students who have limited access to STEM disciplines, to purchase books and class materials.
The cost of books and other course materials can be a burden for students, yet they remain essential tools for success. Even with many educational resources moving online, the cost of those platforms remains high. Our goal was to create five, $500 book scholarships to provide the opportunity for first-year students to achieve their highest potential. We increased our goal to ten book scholarships when we learned of the generous matching gift by Michael and Joanne Grebner.
We are happy to share that this year on Give Green Day we were able to create fourteen new scholarships for incoming freshman to purchase books and course materials. This not only exceeded our goal but also surpassed last year’s amount. Contributions to the book scholarship directly affect the success of students here at LBC, ensuring that Briggs continues to recruit and support thriving, exceptional students in STEM.
In addition to these new scholarships, our community generously gave to eight additional funds to further the mission of Lyman Briggs College. Our combined efforts on Give Green Day resulted in $11,765 in gifts, our most successful Give Green Day to date!
Furthermore, preliminary numbers show Michigan State University had the most successful university-wide day of giving ever, nearly doubling the total gifts from last year. Spartans near and far came together to make a better tomorrow.
Missed your chance to give on Give Green Day? You can still make a gift and make a difference for Lyman Briggs students today.
Visit the Online Giving website and select Lyman Briggs College from the drop-down menu under Areas to Support.