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Lyman Briggs College holds 16th annual Research Symposium April 24-28

April 21, 2023

LBC research symposium logo

An annual Lyman Briggs spring tradition for the past 16 years has been a showcase of research conducted by our Briggs students, whether in courses, honors-options, independent research, or faculty-sponsored research.

All week, LB courses will hold student research presentations.

The premiere event takes place on Monday, April 24, from 6:00–8:30 p.m., in the Holmes Hall East and West Lounges. All are welcome.

That evening, through the generous support of the MSU Federal Credit Union, independent research and honors options presentations will be eligible to win the MSUFCU Grand Prize Award for the Lyman Briggs Research Symposium, which includes a $1000 award.

A number of presentations will be recognized for the MSUFCU Honorable Mention Award with additional cash awards of $200-$300.

This year we also have a virtual session to share pre-recorded research talks (5-10 min). One such presentation will be selected by a panel of judges to receive the MSUFCU Best Virtual Presentation Award along with a $300 cash prize. 

Find the full schedule in the following PDF. Please email lbc@msu.edu if you have questions about document access.

Full Research Symposium Schedule