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Dr. Abe Edwards receives Distinguished Teaching Award from the Mathematical Association of America, Michigan Section

May 19, 2022

Lyman Briggs College (LBC) mathematics faculty member Dr. Abe Edwards has received the 2022 Distinguished Teaching Award from the Mathematical Association of America, Michigan Section.
The award recognizes one faculty member annually who has extraordinary undergraduate or graduate teaching success in mathematics. Recipients are effective teachers, are influential in their teaching beyond their institution, and foster curiosity and excitement about mathematics in their students. This year’s section award recipients can be considered for next year’s National Distinguished Teaching Award from the Mathematical Association of America.


Abe EdwardsA faculty member in LBC since 2016, Edwards has taught a range of mathematics courses from college algebra to advanced calculus and honors mathematics courses. He also brings primary historical sources into his mathematics courses. Edwards has also taught LBC capstone courses about the history of mathematics and its intersection with society, as well as led several Education Abroad programs about the history of mathematics in Europe. His Summer 2022 course is in Italy and England and is entitled, “Stargazers, Sorcerers, and Scoundrels: A Human History of Mathematics.”
According to its website, the Mathematical Association of America is the world’s largest community of mathematicians, students, and enthusiasts who “further the understanding of our world through mathematics because mathematics drives society and shapes our lives.”
Edwards says, “This award testifies to the emphasis our college places on high-quality scholarly teaching. I’m constantly inspired by my colleagues who prioritize innovation and evidence-based educational practices. Most of all, I am grateful to our students who make my job exciting and uplifting.”
LBC Dean Kendra Spence Cheruvelil writes, “Dr. Edwards is quite deserving of this impressive award. He is regularly recognized by faculty colleagues and students as a highly effective and enthusiastic educator of mathematics and the history of mathematics. By providing students not only with the math tools and understanding but also with important historical contexts, Dr. Edwards makes math more accessible and interesting.”