LBC Mentorship Fund
Your gift to the Lyman Briggs College Mentorship Fund supports Briggs Connect, a virtual hub that connects Briggsies with their peers and with alumni. During the pandemic, we learned that the right technology is essential to make mentoring happen. Our preferred platform will no longer be funded centrally due to unexpected budget cuts. With your help, we can raise $2,500 to ensure virtual mentoring will continue.
Why Mentorship?
The past few years have been especially challenging for Lyman Briggs students. They’ve faced increased job uncertainty, few in-person shadowing opportunities, limited research positions, and canceled internships. Mentoring is more important now than ever. That‘s why we launched Briggs Connect. Alumni and students have stepped up to support each other in meaningful ways during the pandemic, a practice we want to continue.
"This program made me feel a lot better about heading into college during a pandemic; it was definitely a rough transition but having a mentor to lean on, especially one who had the same goals and who had been through a lot of the same experiences, made things a lot easier."
– Student Mentee
The mentorship that current and former Briggsies provide one another takes place in a variety of settings: during the transition to college, navigating tough times in the classroom, and advising on post-graduation plans. Briggs Connect is the virtual platform that holds these relationships together.
Support the Lyman Briggs College Mentorship Fund
Help us continue bringing Briggsies together. Your gift will ensure virtual mentoring continues at Lyman Briggs College.